
Centria University of Applied Sciences focuses in terms of Critical Communications on Reserach and development, cyber security and future networks by providing 5G test networks, cyber laboratory and related education.

National and International Research and Development projects

Centria’s Research and Development has expertise in the fields of wireless networks and systems, positioning, cyber security and embedded systems. We also possess a strong know-how in working with industrial internet and intelligent traffic applications, as well as mobile networks – especially in testing mobile networks.

Centria R&D has experience in electronics and hardware design in research and development projects and service activities. There is plenty of experience in developing wireless solutions and new hardware platforms. Skills are also found in electronics design and simulation. In addition, there is also expertise in integrating sensors, RFIDs and other electronic components into textiles, in developing embedded systems and embedded software. Centria has also been a part of multiple smart and electric traffic projects and is a member of ITS Finland (Älykkään liikenteen verkosto).

Cyber Security

Cyber security is the concern of companies of all sizes. In its projects, Centria has tackled the challenges of cyber security – especially in mobile networks, where huge amounts of sensor and other data (Big Data) is transferred. The Centria Cyber Security Laboratory examines, tests and develops the security of industrial Internet and wireless systems. Centria provides tools for system security testing and expertise in information security management to SMEs of the region.

Cyber security laboratory – Centria SecuLab

  • Vulnerability testing
  • Network load testing
  • Protocol testing

Cyber secure processes and staff training in the fields of:

  • Cyber security awareness
  • Privacy-related issues
  • Information security management and systems


Cyber Security related projects at Centria

Cynic – Business models for digital innovation and cyber security

Cynic is a cooperation between two academic partner: Centria University of Applied Sciences and Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. The project is fumded by Interreg Nord European Regional Development Fund, The Regional Council of Lapland and Region Norrbotten.

  • A cross-border collaboration that will support SMEs
  • Physical and virtual lab environment
  • Learn from each other and learn about shared challenges and problems
  • https://www.cynic.se/

SIFIS-Home – Secure Interoperable Full-Stack Internet of Things for Smart Home

SIFIS-Home has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº 952652.

  • SIFIS-Home aims at providing a secure-by-design and consistent software framework for improving resilience of Interconnected Smart Home Systems at all stack levels.
  • The consortium combines 12 European leading industry players in the IoT, telecommunication, standardization, and cyber security with research and academic institutions.
  • https://www.sifis-home.eu/

OboDigI4.0 – Ostrobothnia Digitalization Industry 4.0

OboDigI4.0 is a cooperation between 3 different Universities of Applied Sciences: Centria, Novia and Vaasa. The project is funded European Regional Development Fund and The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia.

  • To reduce the negative effects of the Covid-19-pandemic and maintaining international competitiveness will require companies to pay particular attention to digitalization.

The project organizes workshops on robotics, artificial intelligence, IoT and cybersecurity.

Future Networks & Centria’s field test environment

Centria R&D has a long experience in de­ploying new technologies in field test envi­ronment, which has been developed for the needs of 5G testing during Business Finland (Tekes) funded national Cognitive Radio Trial Environment (CORE), 5GTN+CORNET and IMAGE 5G projects.

Centria field test environ­ment is ideal for companies, developers and researchers to test new products and innova­tions in mobile networks as it allows you to carry out experiments with large-scale tests. Network data is also analyzed and visualized by means of augmented and virtual reality.

The 5G test environment has been success­fully used for demonstrating several testing tools, technologies, algorithms, systems and applications.

Centria is a member of Finnish 5G Momentum ecosystem, a collaborative network aiming at making Finland the leader in 5G networks.

Heterogeneous test network includes:

  • 3 GHz macro cells
  • 5 GHz macro cell
  • 3 GHz small cell
  • 3 GHz indoor pico cells
  • 5 GHz small cells
  • WiFi network

Centria’s subjects of interest

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Connected cars
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Critical communication
  • Cyber Security
  • Emergency services
  • Environmental measurements
  • Industrial automation
  • Internet of Things
  • Intelligent Industry
  • Testing technologies
  • Licensed Shared Access – LSA
  • Authorised Shared Access – ASA
  • Active Antenna System – AAS
  • 3D beamforming
  • Drone technology
  • 3D visualisation and analysis of the network data
  • Real time measurement analysis

Projects related to critical communications

A major project PRIORITY will research, develop and trial critical communications solutions for authorities and remote businesses. A key target will be to complement existing mission critical voice and messaging services with broadband data capability, using commercial 4G and 5G wireless networks. The objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of Finnish ecosystem of critical communications and situational awareness solutions.

Research topics will concentrate on four areas:

  1. Broadband service availability in extremely remote locations
  2. Quality of Service differentiation and provisioning for diverse needs
  3. Communications security
  4. Interworking of dedicated and commercial networks.

Project have several expected outcomes, where the most significant outcomes are technical solutions to be further developed into products in near future, new and evolved ecosystems in the area of critical communications, resulting in growing international business for the participants and the next capability level in safety authorities’ mission critical communications.

The project creates joint activities with many different actors in the field of critical communication. Project is part of Business Finland Digital Trust Finland program.

Watch the demonstration video for the first test event of the Priority project. https://youtu.be/p3LMS_jrw-s

Other members relating to Cyber Security

AirbusBittiumCentriaCiniaDaos TechnologiesDigiaEricssonTietoevry