Erillisverkot – Building security together
The task of Erillisverkot is to secure the critical leadership of society and information society services in all circumstances. Erillisverkot provides the organisations responsible for the security and functionality of the society with mission critical services, situational awareness services and services securing critical infrastructure. Erillisverkot is a wholly state-owned special-purpose company. The Prime Minister’s Office is responsible for the ownership steering of the company.
Erillisverkot offers a unique range of ICT solutions for operators unprepared to settle for anything less than excellence. The services we offer to authorities and critical infrastructure enterprises are extremely reliable and secure. They help to ensure smooth collaboration and secure connections regardless of time and place.
Our services are used by the Finnish Defence Forces, police, fire and rescue services, social services and health care providers, the Emergency Response Centre Administration, the Finnish Border Guard, the ministries and other government and local authority bodies, as well as companies critical to national emergency supply. They secure the everyday lives of Finnish citizens and the smooth functioning of society. We ensure that they can operate in all circumstances – whether under cyberattack or during a storm, or in the Finnish archipelago or high on a fell in Lapland.
Communication services include the administrative security radio network Virve and the government security network Stuve. Virve enables safe, secure and efficient communication and operational management between authorities in crisis situations. The government security network secures communication between the authorities crucial to Finland’s national security and the highest level of State leadership in all eventualities.
Our situational awareness services help our customers to operate in such circumstances. Krivat is a service that supports collaboration between companies during major disruptions to services, while Johtotieto provides location information on cables essential to the public infrastructure.
Erillisverkot data centre services are intended for customers who have critical infrastructure information and communication systems and need secure data centres with secure operating conditions, plus the related 24/7 management service.
Learn more about what Erillisverkot is really about through this video