
Secapp is a tool for secure communication in a world where every device and network can be expected to be hostile and compromised.

Powerful technologies, secured communication, encryption and active threat analysis makes it possible for us to proudly offer a messaging system where critical and important messages are truly secure.

The increase of civil unrest throughout the world, refugee flows, financial challenges, extreme weather conditions and COVID-19 makes the current world situation truly challenging.

Now more than ever, we see a higher demand for safety, security, and communication solutions to maintain essential services, especially during emergencies.

It is of utmost importance that hospitals, rescue services, public authorities, as well as private industries, are able to continue to operate as normally as possible to help minimize the impact of the crisis.

Secapp allows organizations to:

  • Improve their preparedness for emergency conditions
  • Decrease their response times in dispatching individuals and teams
  • Coordinate large-scale operations efficiently even across organizational borders
  • Recover faster especially in times of crisis

We at Secapp work relentlessly to help you to save human lives.

Secapp is offered as a managed secure communications service (SAAS) and does not require any new devices or equipment.

It allows secure two-way communications utilizing existing devices including smart phones, legacy phones, computers, and TETRA devices.

Because Secapp enables communication through different networks and devices, Secapp is not as vulnerable as traditional single technology solutions when it comes to network breakdowns, natural catastrophes, terrorism, or limitations set by different environments.

Secapp can be quickly set up and taken into use even in a matter of hours. The organization only needs to provide a list of people that should have access, and admin users should complete an online training session. The vast majority of the users can follow just simple few step instructions and they are set-to-go.

Organizations can also choose self-hosted and white label versions of the product. With those options, Secapp technology can be deployed to dedicated server environments provided by the customer or local distributor.

Secapp contact channels
