
Sunit Computer technologies delivers unbeaten service-efficiency

Core-focus on Demanding Duties, understanding of challenges in Tough-environments have brought us skills of prime expertness in Design and Supply Trusted ICT-Technologies.

Designed to work on toughest duties

Industry appreciates high utilization for achieving a strong economy and rather priorities tough and reliable technologies.
Sunit Computer Technology is from Top-of-the-World, Finland. The Environmental conditions here in North Finland is excellent base to evaluate and test products.

Core-focus on Client Entrepreneur

We demand ourselves deep knowledge of the Clients entrepreneur and we strive to bring the long-term technology to his ICT. For us it is important that our Client can focus to develop his entrepreneurial throughout the ICT-system for lifetime.

Open Architect Computing – Edge on IoT

It is important that computer technology enables changes and updates in Long-term.

Open Architecture Computer (OAC) -technology make sure that any kind of applications are powered optimally and the Life-time of Information system is warranted.

An open Architects makes both maintenance and service, development and deployment easier, and thereby the modernizing cost of ICT-System is reduced.

Uncompromising submission to industry standards

The Industry we serve conducts care. It is People, Goods & Dangerous goods, Traffic & Working safety. It is our Climate. Our Products are covered by Industry Standard ISO-16750, UNECE-Regulations and all Environmental Standards.

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